Santa surprises CP Rochester and Happiness House preschoolers
by: RochesterFirst.comTaylor Mulligan
Posted: Dec 22, 2023 / 04:26 PM EST
Updated: Dec 22, 2023 / 04:33 PM EST

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — Santa made his annual visit to the children at CP Rochester’s Augustin Children’s Center and Happiness House’s Golisano’s Autism Center.
Santa, with help from the Rochester Police Department’s Mounted Patrol Unit, made surprise visits, first arriving at CP Rochester by horseback. At CP Rochester and the Golisano Autism Center, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be greeted by the classrooms outside and lead a parade inside, where they will pass out large sacks of gifts and sit with the kids.
Diane Kozar, the Chief Operation Officer with Happiness House said, “The kids have been so worked up today, the director was saying how excited everybody is. The staff is excited.”