Santa, RPD's Mounted Patrol Unit make surprise visits at local preschools
Fri, December 20th 2024 at 7:09 PM
Updated Fri, December 20th 2024 at 7:15 PM

Rochester, N.Y. — Even amid the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, Santa still found some time to surprise some local preschoolers ahead of the holidays.
Jolly Ol' Saint Nick made a guest appearance Friday at CP Rochester and Happiness House's preschool program at the Golisano Autism Center.
Father Christmas, with some help from RPD's Mounted Patrol Unit, greeted all the boys and girls and even handed out some early presents.
"When you see their faces light up, when you see them understand that there's this community connection and that they're participating in something a little bit bigger, it's just really rewarding to see," said Diane Kozar, chief operating officer for Happiness House's Ability Partners Foundation. "They've come a long way. It's been four months since school started, and we've really seen significant improvements in a lot of the children."
The students' gifts were donated by a number of local companies.